Cult: Exiting

Many of us are concerned with the emergence and growth of the Donald Cult and its trickle-down idiocy. Ever more frequently, we have come to wonder how to handle this subject when engaging in a conversation with a stranger, a friend, or even a relative.


Start with the normal greetings (how are you doing, I missed talking with you, etc.). Move onto typical subjects of commonality such hobbies, hiking, cooking, and so on to help build a conversational bridge.

If the conversation turns to the Donald or Donald-like activity/view, instead of challenging interlocutors directly, ask how they first heard or got into contact with Trump and/or with that activity/view. Listening carefully, let them expound. This way you get to understand the origin and development of their notions. Then start unpacking it and respectfully respond with your own understanding and your own data and personal examples of how you would react to such ideas.