
If Florida Republicans want to ban books, then all books should be in play. The first to be banned according to the language of their legislation should be one of the most published books in history, the Bible. It contains almost all of the topics right-wingers and so-called conservatives want to prevent children from seeing. The Bible writers relate tales of rape, abortion, woke ideas like love neighbors and being kind, slavery (the escape from Egypt, for example), sleeping with animals, homosexuality, and so on.

In addition, other books, in fact almost all books, have references to sexual identity in some manner, one of the major topics to which advocates do not want children to be exposed. Any book, for example, that mentions a mother or father, or a boy or girl, and so on, should be banned because that is referring to sexual identity. Reading and even speaking the pronouns He, She, Him, Her, His, Hers are also suspect for the same reason.

Florida atheist petitions to have Bible banned in Broward, Miami Dade County schools