I am tired of the Donald
He’s been kvetching too long
Like a broken recording
Of the same, worn-out song
So, cuz he keeps on whining
I searched on Google while in bed
And on a health advice website
There was this counsel I read
If you like piña coladas
And hate goin’ down the drain
If you’re not into MAGA
If you have half a brain
If you like living life in freedom
Not cowed by a big ape
Then here’s the cure you’re looking for
It will get you in shape
He didn’t think much of that lady
I know you know who I mean
Don with his side kick J.D.
Had slunk back into the same sordid routine
And so out in the Garden
MAGAS sieg heiled their Führer
And while he thought no one noticed
He can’t fool all the voters
Yes, I like piña coladas
And some distilled sugar cane
I’m not into his BS
I am into champagne
So we got out to vote in November
To make a change of landscape
And toast to all our hopes—
But Damn! He did escape!
© 2024, Kenneth Koziol. All rights reserved.