Where Dreams Dance?

In a land where worthy tales are told,
Where emotions are painted bold,
Exists a realm of vibrant charm,
Where melodies dance, hearts grow warm.

From streets of Mumbai to mountain tops,
Frame by frame, emotive flow never stops.
It’s a silver screen with magical allure,
Where passions surge and epics endure.

Movement in synchrony, showing off skills,
The steps so intricate, they induce big thrills.
With energy, rhythm, and joyous sway–
The Masala scenes chase worries away.

Heroes with charisma, hearts so pure,
Lift all higher; their spirit and courage ensure.
Through trials and triumphs, they guide,
The lessons learned to forever abide.

Promoting unity, welcoming diversity,
It aims to embrace all with equality,
Give great pleasure to the young and the old,
Within a world where dreams can unfold.

Such is Bollywood’s majestical stage,
Where romance and adventure both engage.
A kaleidoscope of feeling ever so bright,
It ignites sparks that energize film night.

But while espousing harmony and parity,
Does Bollywood still treat all with equity?
Can it keep disarming discord new and old
To help understanding and peace take hold?

© 2024, Kenneth Koziol. All rights reserved.