Portrayed through actions dark forces conceal,
A striking tale unfolds, its truth so real.
Probing humanity with candor unbound,
It was for young Me a viewing profound.
The pic’s canvas portrays a foreign land,
Where culture clashes are quick to command,
With people estranged, in turbulent seas,
It reveals a saga that aims for peace.
Amidst bustling streets of a foul regime,
A diplomat arrives in this strange scheme,
Presence peculiar to native view,
Holding our country’s biases as true.
Though the title bestowed shouts out deceit,
Beneath its veil, hints of empathy beat.
In “The Ugly American” we see
A puerile desire to change destiny.
Conflict he addresses with reckless care,
Neglecting effects and burdens they bear.
Acting with impatience and disdain,
He naively puts all on the same plain.
Only the truths he learns at the flick’s end
Brutally make him at last awaken:
His work there only serves to complicate,
Any chance for redemption may be too late.
In this intense tale, a mirror we find
Questions about our country’s state of mind.
I was aware of the cold war contest
But saw no side caring for the poorest.
If leaders had watched it and understood,
This work could have does us all good.
© 2024, Kenneth Koziol. All rights reserved. (1963)